Getting started


eideasy-widget is a custom HTML elementopen in new window that you can embed into your website or web application to identify users or create electronic signatures through eID Easyopen in new window API.

You can see a demo implementation here: in new window

eideasy-widget also works with Vue.js



We are constantly improving our widget and releasing new versions. Make sure to use the latest version of the widget to get access to the latest signing and authentication methods.


  1. Install with npm or Yarn:
npm install @eid-easy/eideasy-widget


yarn add @eid-easy/eideasy-widget
  1. Import
import '@eid-easy/eideasy-widget';


<script src="" integrity="sha256-fpQOVm9NNQoInoki+7ctCIUifUZeritcpiIuohV2jX8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Identification Examples


<div id="widgetHolder" class="widgetHolder"></div>
const widgetHolder = document.getElementById('widgetHolder');
const eidEasyWidget = document.createElement('eideasy-widget');

const settings = {
  clientId: '2IaeiZXbcKzlP1KvjZH9ghty2IJKM8Lg', // Required
  countryCode: 'EE', // Required, ISO 3166  two letter country code
  redirectUri: 'http://localhost:8080/', // Required
  apiEndpoints: {
    identityStart: () => 'http://eid-sample-app.test/api/identity/start', // Required
    identityFinish: () => 'http://eid-sample-app.test/api/identity/finish', // Requried
  language: 'et', // ISO 639-1 two letter language code,
  sandbox: true,
  enabledMethods: {
    identification: 'all',
    // if you want to enable specific methods, then use
    // identification: ['ee-id-login', 'lv-id-login'],
  onSuccess: function (data) {
  onFail: function (error) {
  // additional settings for more specific use cases
  enabledCountries: ['NO', 'BE', 'EE'],
  inputValues: {
    idcode: '123456789',
    phone: '+37212345678',
  selectedMethod: 'mid-login',
  oauthParamState: 'custom-state-value',

Object.keys(settings).forEach(key => {
  eidEasyWidget[key] = settings[key];



clientIdstringundefinedRequired. Get from after signing up.
countryCodestringundefinedRequired. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2open in new window country code
redirectUristringundefinedRequired. This gets used for redirects back to your application e.g. when using eParaksts mobile. The value of redirectUri has to match with the "Oauth redirect_uri(s)" setting you provided in your eID Easy admin page.
apiEndpoints.identityStartfunctionundefinedRequired. This should return your server endpoint for the identity start request.
apiEndpoints.identityFinishfunctionundefinedRequired. This should return your server endpoint for the identity finish request.
languagestringundefinedTwo letter ISO 639-1open in new window language code.
sandboxbooleanfalseWhether to use the sandboxopen in new window mode.
enabledMethods.identificationboolean | string | arrayundefinedtrue or 'all' will enable all methods. If you want to enable specific methods, then provide an array with the methods e.g: ['ee-id-login', 'lv-id-login'] . You can find the available methods (actionType) here /guide/available-methods
onSuccessfunctionundefinedThis function gets called when signing or identification succeeds.
onFailfunctionundefinedThis function gets called when signing or identification fails.
enabledCountriesarrayundefinedCountries that are shown in the country select. Array of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2open in new window country codes. For example, if you provide ['NO', 'BE'] then only Norway and Belgium will be available in the country select.
inputValues.idcodestring''Initial value of the idcode input field
inputValues.phonestring''Initial value of the phone input field
selectedMethodstringundefinedUse this to preselect a method for the user. You can find the available methods (actionType) here /guide/available-methods
oauthParamStatestringundefinedValue of the OAuth state param.

Changing the language after initialization

eidEasyWidget.language = 'lt';

Vue.js (v2)

  <div class="container">
        :on-success.prop="(data) => console.log(data)"
        :on-fail.prop="(error) => console.log(error)"

import '@eid-easy/eideasy-widget';

export default {
  name: 'App',
  data() {
    return {
      apiEndpoints: {
        identityStart: () => 'http://eid-sample-app.test/api/identity/start',
        identityFinish: () => 'http://eid-sample-app.test/api/identity/finish',
      enabledMethods: {
        identification: 'all',

Signing Examples

A typical signing implementation using the eID Easy API and the eideasy-widget would look like this:

  1. Prepare the files for signing by sending a server side request to the /prepare-files-for-signingopen in new window endpoint.
  2. /prepare-files-for-signing endpoint returns a docId.
  3. Initialize the eideasy-widget using the docId as described in the sections below.
  4. End-user selects their desired signing method in the widget and the signing process is started.
  5. eID Easy server sends a POST request containing doc_id and signer_id to your configured "Signature notification URL" when the user has finished signing the document.


<div id="widgetHolder" class="widgetHolder"></div>
const widgetHolder = document.getElementById('widgetHolder');
const eidEasyWidget = document.createElement('eideasy-widget');

const settings = {
  countryCode: 'EE', // ISO 3166  two letter country code
  language: 'et', // ISO 639-1 two letter language code,
  sandbox: true,
  clientId: 'SNcycaJFfibUABHrbx6c51YRqSiV76Nz',
  docId: 'nQoR4Ypaa3AGaHFmWvGX5PeNEoXMJ2Xx1QVWzPxt',
  enabledMethods: {
    signature: 'all',
    // if you want to enable specific methods, then use
    // signature: ['ee-id-login', 'lv-id-login'],
  selectedMethod: null,
  enabledCountries: 'all',
  // use these to prefill the input values
  inputValues: {
    idcode: '',
    phone: '00000766',
  onSuccess: function (data) {
  onFail: function (error) {

Object.keys(settings).forEach(key => {
  eidEasyWidget[key] = settings[key];



clientIdstringundefinedRequired. Get from after signing up.
countryCodestringundefinedRequired. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2open in new window country code
languagestringundefinedTwo letter ISO 639-1open in new window language code.
sandboxbooleanfalseWhether to use the sandboxopen in new window mode.
enabledMethods.signatureboolean | string | arrayundefinedtrue or 'all' will enable all methods. If you want to enable specific methods, then provide an array with the methods e.g: ['ee-id-login', 'lv-id-login'] . You can find the available methods (actionType) here /guide/available-methods
onSuccessfunctionundefinedThis function gets called when signing or identification succeeds.
onFailfunctionundefinedThis function gets called when signing or identification fails.
enabledCountriesarrayundefinedCountries that are shown in the country select. Array of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2open in new window country codes. For example, if you provide ['NO', 'BE'] then only Norway and Belgium will be available in the country select.
inputValues.idcodestring''Initial value of the idcode input field
inputValues.phonestring''Initial value of the phone input field

Changing the language after initialization

eidEasyWidget.language = 'lt';

Vue.js (v2)

  <div class="container">
        :on-success.prop="(data) => console.log(data)"
        :on-fail.prop="(error) => console.log(error)"

import '@eid-easy/eideasy-widget';

export default {
  name: 'App',
  data() {
    return {
      enabledMethods: {
        signature: 'all',

Vue.js (v3)

See the following demo project: in new window


See the following demo project: in new window

Last Updated: